Deck Carpentry

Timber Screening Perth WA

A new timber screen is just what your home needs! Timber Screens are more than just a display of modesty for your property. It’s an invaluable asset to deter anyone and anything from trespassing onto your land. It can also be used to form boundaries, but they can even go so far as to give the right image of perfection or luxury of a certain area of the property.

Allow us to assist you in completing your project, assessing its requirements, and selecting the appropriate materials. We work hard to accommodate your preferences while staying within your budget because we want to hear you say, “well done!” – which will make us the happiest.

Timber Screening Solutions

We will ensure that the timber screening does not interfere with the aesthetics of your home or disrupt its normal functioning. Our way of doing timber screens are a discreet, elegant solution that will continue to enhance your property’s curb appeal over time.

Moreover, you don’t need to grease your elbows over timber screens as they do not require any regular maintenance either. This makes them long-term value for money which you cannot find with other methods of adding privacy like wood fencing or hedges.

Look no further than Top Deck Carpentry because we have great designs for timber screening at prices you will love too! Moreover, screens don’t need to be boring on their own – we offer timber screening that looks unique without blowing the budget.

Timber Screens for Privacy, Natural Backdrops & Storage Areas

Enhance the look of your space and also protect your privacy by simply opting for timber screens. Our craftsmanship and quality speak for themselves, and we take pride in being Perth’s best timber screening business. For more privacy, we also have a customized design service that you can avail of.

We have been in the industry for more than 20 years and have had more than enough experience with screens and home renovations to know which materials are right for your specific needs to ensure your screen not only lasts but also blends seamlessly against the backdrop of your natural environment.

If you want to enhance and beautify your outdoor spaces, speak to our timber screening experts today!

Customized Timber Screening Perth

Top Deck Carpentry will give your external and internal spaces a whole new look with our range of customized timber screens. To make your screens last longer, we use only the best decking timbers available in the area; we’ll even customize them to suit your particular tastes and requirements if you want to go that extra mile! Whether it is an urban, tropical garden space you’re after or a screen for privacy, Top Deck Carpentry can tailor-make timber decks to suit any style or environment. Timber screens are very high quality and versatile, so why not take advantage of this great opportunity?

Perth Timber Screen Fencing

If you’re looking for any kind of timber fence installation services, you’ll find that we have all the tools and equipment to make sure your house is not only secure but also looks great. We’re experts at timber fencing, and we’re experts at timber flooring installation, roofing, and much more!

Our experts will assess your home and develop the best options based on your needs and desires. We will also listen to your input and provide you with all of your options to ensure you’re completely satisfied.

We believe that a fence is a form of judgement. It tells the world a lot about you and your home. At the same time, good quality composite screening is also essential to protect your house from intruders. We take great pride in our work, and we make sure that your property is properly cordoned off from the rest of the world. Our timber screen for Perth residences is made of high-quality, durable materials that ensure the safety and security of the house. We ensure our Perth screening solutions add an aesthetic appeal to your home without having to spend a lot of money. 

We are dedicated to providing you with quality screen fencing in Perth that exceeds your expectations. So, if you are looking for timber screens in Perth, contact us today to learn more. 

Privacy Screening Perth

We at Top Deck Carpentry believe that having timber screening installed makes your house look great and makes it safer. Using screening in your place will make it harder for people to break into your home or look inside. If you are looking for someone to help you out with your screening, then you have certainly come to the right place. We have been making sure that the homes of our friends are safe for many years now.

Why Choose Us?

  • It is our top priority to keep our customers happy.
  • We’ll never take on more work than we’re capable of, and we’ll always put our customers’ needs first.
  • Our prices are reasonable, and we are dependable.
  • We will always arrive on time for your job.
  • We know how to get the job done with the best tools and techniques.
  • We guarantee that if you book with us, you will not be disappointed!