Marble Surface Kitchen

Termites Vs Carpenter Ants – Know The Differences

The Diet

As per a reputed contractor for roof repairs in Perth WA, termites always eat wood (mostly). However, carpenter ants are not only interested in eating wood but also look for other sources of water, sugar & protein. Hence, once ants create their colonies inside a wooden structure, they can infest other parts of your home in search of additional food. 

However, it should be known that, unlike traditional termites, subterranean termites build their colonies underground and thereby feed on wood. 

The Damage

When it comes to damage, carpenter ants and termites are on par with each other. But, subterranean termites will beat both of them. Compared to traditional termites & carpenter ants, subterranean termites can spread & multiply pretty fast. Hence, the damage that will be inflicted over time will be much more than traditional termites or carpenter ants.

Closing Thoughts

It can easily be concluded from the above-mentioned sets of information that both carpenter ants & termites (especially subterranean ones) are dangerous pests to deal with. If you don’t take corrective measures beforehand, then you can end up losing most of your house structure’s integrity.

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