Simple steps to take care of your timber ceiling on your own

Taking care of the timber ceiling is not difficult. There are a few basics that you can perform as a DIY task. It is a must that you take care of basic dusting tasks on your own. You may need simple tools to carry out this task.

If you have a very high roof, then you can also look around for the best “timber ceiling lining” services. Professional roof repairing services are available in the market. You can also follow the basic steps mentioned here below.

Dusting process

The first step is to dust the roof. You can make use of dry cloth or mop material to perform this task. You can select any good quality dusting tool that has an extended arm. It makes it possible to reach the most difficult areas as well.

If the roof is high, then you can also make use of the ladder. You have to take precautions so you don’t fall accidentally. If possible, work in a team. Also, ensure you cover your face and nose. You can wear safety gears.

Use a mild cleaning agent

Dish wash detergent is the best agent that you can use when cleaning the ceiling. Wood will not get damaged if you are using a mild detergent solution. You can prepare the solution in a bucket. Always ensure you use cold water to prepare the detergent solution.

Coldwater will not damage the wooden ceiling. In case the wood is not well treated then it is essential to take extra precautions. Ensure no soap residues are left behind.

Wash the ceiling timber

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