Home Inspection For White Ants Damage

Termites, commonly referred to as white ants, are a major threat to homes in Australia. White ants cause millions of dollars in structural damage to houses in Australia, making it every homeowner’s worst nightmare. Therefore, white ants pest inspection and control are essential. However, it is a slow process that is difficult to detect. You won’t even notice the presence of termites until they’ve done some significant damage. Unfortunately, it is already worth many dollars when the damage is detected. Look at the numbers. The average termite infestation costs $3,000; each year, the devastation is said to have cost Australia more than $100 million in damages. Regular professional pest control inspections are the best way to ensure timely control of these destructive termite attacks.

What Harm Do Termites Cause To A House?

Termites are frequently seen inside timbers, where they leave a micron-thin coating to protect themselves. Termites have been reported to harm buildings and entire structures. They can feed on many things, including-

  • Wooden windows and frames
  • Wood Pergolas
  • House Stumps
  • Support Beams
  • Furniture

Termite colonies will feast perfectly on any softwood. They can be found even in roof leaks, as they need water for survival, and this is why they choose this spot in the timber. So, it is important to keep an eye out for a location that can be ideal for a termite infestation.

Guide for white ants damage Inspection.

After you inspect termite infiltration in your home, it’s time to book a white ants damage inspection. White ants inspection is a great preventive measure. The first step is to call or book an online termite inspection with a company. Make an appointment with a qualified technician in your area. Luckily, many pest control companies offer a free initial termite inspection.

Here is our guide to everything about termite inspections. Know the common signs, prevention methods and what inspectors look for with our ‘free guide for white ants damage inspection’.

What are White Ants?

White ants, contrary to their name, are not ants. White ants are another name for termites only. Termites are sometimes called white ants, but if you look closely, they don’t look like ants. Termites belong to the same family as cockroaches. All they want is wood with high-moisture content such as timber.

Termites love to live in huge colonies and can quickly cause a lot of damage to timber and wooden structures. These pests can cause significant damage that can cost thousands of dollars to repair. It is one of the most feared pests for home and business owners.

What is the Difference Between Termites and White Ants?

White Ants are just another slang name for termites in Australia. So, why are termites called “white ants”? Termite colonies consist of fertile queens, kings, workers, soldiers, and wings. All of the colony members work effortlessly to create large termite systems. There are different development stages; each stage has been given a unique name. Termites are pale brown in color, usually either white or light brown. The lightest color (close to white) is why they are called white ants.

Additionally, termites are different from ants, and no ant is white in color. To distinguish termites from black ants, the name white ant was invented. This is why the treatments for termites are very different from black ants.

How to Detect Termite or White Ants in Your Home?

Here are the signs to look for if your home is infested with termites.

Noise: Termites make a clicking sound while they work. That means a clicking sound can be heard from infested walls and wooden furniture.

Flying white ants- This may indicate an active termite infestation. Reproductive termites can be seen leaving their nests to form new colonies. Depending on the type of termite, they will swarm at night or during the day. For example- dry wood termites often swarm after rainfall.

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