Why should you choose a Timber Ceiling lining?

In general, timber is stunning. Whether it is used in construction for timber feature walls for cladding or paneling, the timber material offers a natural grain color and ambiance, which would be noticed whenever you step into a room. The colors from the wood can help light a room in a relaxing, soft environment that makes the room feel brighter. When a timber ceiling lining is used correctly, it can make a room look and feel quite significant.

Environmental friendly

Timber is one of the most ecological raw building materials you can ever come across. It is because it’s a natural product that does not require any industrial process in any of the development stages and processing. Furthermore it would need more power to process it than any other material like aluminum, steel, plastics, cement, etc. Above all, timber is a renewable source as it can be regrown, so you can consider timber if you like to be eco-friendly.


The timber ceiling systems offer excellent soundproofing. It is ideal for a social space like an open-plan office or a public space. The slatted design of the ceiling allows noise to travel around and through, and it does not bounce from wall to wall.

You should choose a timber ceiling for your house or office space because it will add warmth and elegance, which will never go out of style.

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