Signs That Your Timber Roof Needs Repair

Even though the timber roof is highly durable and quite stylish from a design point of view, it requires regular upkeep and maintenance to ensure its longevity and maintain its structural integrity, which is essential for the health of your home. A compromised roof can lead to problems across the house, like leakages, mould growth, cracks, and damage, and pave the way for potential hazards. Therefore, it is essential to always look for signs of wear and tear and act instantly by calling for professional roof repairs in Perth, WA, to deal with the problems effectively. Let’s explore the key indicators of roof damage and when to call for repairs.

Water Stains

When you start noticing water stains on the roof or the walls attached to it, it could be a sign of leakage through the roof, leading to a compromised structure and small cracks. Fast action is needed in such situations to prevent fungal growth and bigger cracks in the ceiling, which could lead to the top falling apart.

Sagging Roofline

If you notice a sag or a prominent dip in the roof lining or the timber ceiling lining, it could indicate the presence of some structural issues, fragile beams, and damaged timber, which could all lead to the collapse of the roof if not appropriately addressed at the right time. A saggy roof also indicates an accumulation of water in one place, which can cause potential damage to the ceiling.

Curling Shingles

The shingles are often ignored, and many don’t take the curling or buckling of shingles as a strong enough sign to call for repair. Still, it can indicate major damage as it diminishes the roof’s ability to hold or shield water, which can lead to the eventual collapse of the roof. Curling shingles also make the roof more susceptible to cracks, leaks, and other structural issues and must be thoroughly inspected.

Daylight In The House

Everyone loves to stay in a well-lit house, but it’s a matter of concern when the light comes from the top. Sunlight entering your home through the roof is a sign of severe cracks, gaps and damages that must be treated with prompt action. Leaving such gaps unaddressed will only make them bigger and will lead to an eventual breakdown. It can also lead to water infiltration and further damage if left untreated.

Age of Roof

You must always be wary of the age of your timber roof. Suppose you have had the same roof for a long time. In that case, you must call for routine maintenance and inspection to identify any threats and vulnerabilities and address them effectively to increase the lifespan of your ceiling and prevent any impending accidents.


Having a roof over your head is a privilege; therefore, you must pay serious attention to the roof responsible for sheltering and protecting you. A clean and well-maintained roof keeps you safe, secure, and disease-free. Therefore, keep your eyes out for any issues and take swift action.

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