How To Enhance The Look Of Your Residential Gates?

If you’re a homeowner who loves to stand out from your neighbours, then there’s no reason for you to settle for basic residential gate designs. There are many ways through which you can decorate the overall look of your residential gates, such as statues, pillars, custom posts and so on. All of these additional details will help your gate blend in well with your home’s architectural & natural surroundings, thereby creating a cohesive overall look for your entire property.

The following are some of the ideal ways through which you can improve the look of your residential gates in Perth.

Recommendations To Improve The Look Of Your Residential Gates

  1. Adding Stone Pillars

There’s no denying that all residential gates will need posts for proper support and many homeowners out there like to upgrade to stone pillars for adding that additional aesthetic look. If you have gates made from iron, then the stone pillars are usually painted in black (or in the same colour as the iron gate to match the colour scheme). In case you have composite or wooden gates, then you can wrap the stone pillars with matching materials & paint, to build a cohesive aesthetic look.

Another option that you can utilise is that – you can wrap stone around the gate posts – which will also look great with iron or wooden gates. When you’re planning to choose the ideal stone pillars, ensure that you look at refined styles, rustic looks, brick or masonry, stacked stone and so on.

  1. Adding Lighting

With the help of decorative lighting, you’ll not only be able to enhance the style of your property gate but also add to its overall security. Moreover, navigation through the gates will be easy at night when you have proper lighting.

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