5 good reasons to opt for timber ceilings!

Timber is the most coveted material for building constructions. No matter if it’s a part of your building foundation, your floors, or even constructing your deck, you will find timber almost everywhere in these projects. And why not, timber has proved its worth over so many centuries. But there is a place where timber has scored the best marks until now. And this place is your ceiling.

Why is timber ceiling the best option for your home?

If you are getting your timber ceiling lining from Top Deck Carpentry, then you’ll have the most beneficial and impressive ceiling ever. They do an excellent job of adding these liners to your ceiling; and if you want to know the reasons to opt for this material for your ceilings, then read on:

The ultra beautiful aesthetics — When you add timber in your ceiling, the look and beauty instantly transform to elegant sophistication. Timber being a really attractive material complements almost all types of decor and the smooth and natural wooden finishing is simply perfect to create a jaw dropping backdrop.

Low in maintenance— Maintaining a ceiling is the most challenging job you have to face in your house. But when you opt for timber, first of all timber doesn’t get dirty easily. And even if it does, the cleaning of this material is quite easy. Secondly, you don’t have to paint or repaint it like your regular ceiling every 2 to 3 years. With timber, just go for a polishing session once in a decade and it is enough for the glamour quotient. So, precisely, timber is a maintenance free material for your ceiling.

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